Team Members

Team Members are additional Editors added to your app that can assist you in bringing your ideas to life!

Add a Team Member

To add people to your Adalo Team, go to your Adalo Account Settings in the Dropdown in the top left corner of the Adalo Builder.

  • Select "Team Members"

  • Select Invite

  • Enter the Email Address of the Account you would like to add to your team.

  • Once they accept the email invite, they will have access to create apps or can be added to existing apps.

Remove a Team Member

Once members have been added to your Team, Team owners can remove them by clicking Remove next to the member email.

Please Note: If a Maker is removed from a Team, they will lose all access to apps they created on that team. Please transfer any apps prior to removing Team Members

Add Team Members to Your Adalo App

Last updated