Create New Google Play Listing

Now that you have your app's .AAB build file, it's time to create your Google Play Listing!

Before You Begin

  • Native publishing requires a Professional, Team, or Business plan.

  • Log into the Google account associated with your Google Developer Account.

  • Ensure building your app was successful and that you have downloaded the Android App Bundle (.AAB file).

Important: Once you create your Listing, you should never change the Package Name. If you change the Package Name, the Google Play Store treats the upload as a completely different app. If you want to upload a new version of your app, you must use the same Package Name and signing certificate as when originally published.


  1. Open the Google Play Console in a new browser tab.

  2. Click All Apps in the top left corner, then click Create App in the top right corner.

  3. Enter an , select the Default Language for the app, the type of app (App or Game), and if it’s a Free or Paid app.

  4. Accept all Declarations, and click Create App in the lower right corner which will redirect you to the App Dashboard.

  5. Before we create a version of your app, you need to fill in some details about your app's content. This is required for all releases.

    • This can be found by scrolling to the bottom of the left-hand menu and click on App Content.

  6. The Next guide will cover Google Testing Tracks and Creating releases for both New and Existing apps!

Last updated