Importing Records from a CSV File

Import large amounts of data to your database by uploading a .CSV file. Format and sterilize text, dates, and numbers so that you get a clean import every time!

Skill Level: Intermediate

Before You Begin

  • Know about Databases and the basics of how to create them.

  • Clone the example app and download the example CSV file.

  • You do not need a paid Adalo plan to use this feature for up to 50 records.


3.) Adalo will try to automatically pair up the columns in the CSV file with any properties that exist in your database. You can choose not to import certain columns by selecting None in the dropdowns or assign them manually if they were not synced automatically. Most property types can be matched up provided they are formatted correctly in the CSV. See the table below for how to properly format each property type.




Any formatting will work


Must be either whole, decimal, or negative. No symbols or letters.


Value must either be true or left blank for false.


Must be formatted as MM/DD/YYYY or YYYY-MM-DD

Date and Time

Must be in ISO 8601 Format such as 2022-07-04T02:00:00Z. Adalo interprets all datetime as UTC.


Not supported for import, but storage URL locations can be imported as text.


Not supported for import, but storage URL locations can be imported as text.


One-to-Many: Can be matched up as long as the first property of the records of the other collections are identical. For instance, if importing Trips with a relationship to a user, the Users collection must have a user with this email and have Email set as the first property in the collection.

Many-to-Many: Not supported for import.

  • Try uploading records in batches of 10000 or less.

  • Make sure any relationship fields exactly match existing records and that the collection's first property (or label) matches the column values in the CSV.

  • Make sure the label fields (first property in a collection) are either a text or number field.

  • Make sure date formats are correct


Upon completing the import, you will see all your new records displayed in the database.

You can always clone the example app used in this walkthrough as well as download the example CSV to give it a try yourself.

Learn More

  • The column names of the CSV need not exactly match the property names in Adalo.

  • The columns do not need to be in the same order as the collection properties.

  • It's typically best to upload records in batches of 10,000 or less, but it's not uncommon for uploads to succeed when uploading far more than that.

  • Importing CSVs does not overwrite existing database records, it only adds to them.


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tags: cvs, csv, import, upload

Last updated