Error: Android App Signed with Wrong Key.
If you are attempting to load a new build to Google Play and get the following error:
"Your Android App Bundle is signed with the wrong key. Ensure that your App Bundle is signed with the correct signing key and try again. Your app bundle is expected to be signed with the certificate with fingerprint:
SHA1: …
but the certificate used to sign the app bundle that you uploaded has fingerprint:
SHA1: …"
This happens when the Upload Key Certificate for the Listing you're attempting to load the App Bundle (.AAB file) to doesn't match the one in the build you created.
Possible Reasons:
Changed Package Name: If you modified the Package Name in Adalo after the initial build, it might not match anymore. Remember, Package Names are case sensitive and once they are loaded to a Listing they cannot be changed.
Coming from outside Adalo: You are uploading a New Adalo App to an existing Play Store Listing created outside Adalo.
Replacing Adalo App: You are loading a New Adalo App to an existing Play Store Listing created in Adalo.
Verify Package Name:
Google Play Listing must match that in the Android Build Settings.
This can be found in the Dashboard of your Google Play Console.
Package names are case sensitive.
If there is a discrepancy;
Discard the release in the developer console.
Correct the Package Name in the build settings and push a new build.
Load new build as a new release when completed.
Create a New Listing:
If the Package Name changed, follow the steps in this guide create a new Listing on Google Play.
Updating Existing Listing:
If the Package Name matches the Listing and the Upload Key Certificate is not accepted, you will need to request the PEM file by Contacting Support. This will allow you to change the Upload Key with Google and load the app to the existing Listing with the package name that matches that of the one in the latest build.
Please include a screenshot of the Dashboard showing the Package Name and any additional screenshots that will speed up the resolution.
Still Need Help?
If you're stuck, don't worry! Reach out to our support team for further assistance.
Include Steps Taken: Let us know what troubleshooting steps you've already tried.
Add Screenshots: Share relevant screenshots showing the error message and the Package Name of the Listing you're trying to update.
Remember, we're here to help you get your app back on track and ready to shine on the Google Play Store!
Last updated
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