Overview — Screens, Database, Layout Settings, Use Cases

The Video Gallery & Upload Feature Template makes it easy to create a library of video content for your app. Users can view a gallery of videos, click on one to view more about it or watch it in a large video player, and even upload their own videos.

Included Screens: These screens will be interacted with by the customers or clients of your app.

🎥 Video Library Scroll through the gallery of all uploaded videos. Click on one to play or dive deeper to see more details. There's also an upload button that takes you to the flow to add a new video.

📺 Large Video Player A minimal screen dedicated to the video watching experience.

📋 Video Details View all the information associated with a video, including its description and who uploaded it.

⬆️ Add Video A form with all the necessary fields to upload a new video to the content library.

Example Use Cases:

  • A class where each student makes videos and shares what they created

  • A yoga network where users share their routines

  • A dance instructor who offers choreography tutorials and performance videos.

  • A cooking instructor who offers step-by-step video tutorials for various recipes.

  • A fitness community where users post their workout videos

  • and many more!

Database Overview

The Video Gallery & Upload comes with a database that contains sample data. Each Adalo database contains Collections and each collection comes with the associated Properties. Any necessary relationship between the collections is set up, as well.

Below is an outline of the included Collections and their Properties. The Collection name is bolded and includes a description. The Properties include their name, property type (in brackets), and a description.

Basic Collections & Properties:

👥 Users

The Users Collection automatically comes with every Adalo app. This collection will hold all the information related to anyone who uses the app. This information is initially collected from a user when they sign up to use your app.

  • Email [Text] — the user’s email address.

  • Password [Encrypted] — the user’s password to log into the app. This cannot be viewed by anyone, including the administrator.

  • Username [Text] — the user’s username.

  • Full Name [Text] — the user’s first and last name.

  • Profile Photo [Image] — the user’s profile picture.

  • Videos [One-to-Many-Relationship] the videos associated with that user

  • Role [Text] the user's role

  • Bio [Text] the user's bio

📋 Categories

The Categories Collection is where you will create the different categories for your products. Each product you add can then be tied to a specific category.

  • Name [Text] — this is your category name (example: Apparel)

  • Image [Image] — the image representing the category

  • Videos [One-to-Many Relationship] — the videos associated with that category

📋 Videos

The Videos Collection is where you will add all the videos for the gallery of content.

  • Title [Text] — the name of the video

  • Thumbnail [Image] — the image representing the video before it's played

  • Video File [File] — the video file

  • Description [Text] — a brief description of the video

  • Main Goal Description [Text] — a simple text explanation of the goal of the video

  • Topics Covered [Text] — a list of the topics addressed in the video

  • Length [Text] — the duration of the video

  • Category [Many-to-One-Relationship] — the category of the video

  • Video Creator [Many-to-One-Relationship] — the creator of the video

Layout Settings

Each screen in the Social Media Feed Feature Template is created using responsive design. The screens will look good on any device or tablet.

Most screens have been designed with Custom Layouts. If you add a new component to a screen, you might notice that the other screen sizes are impacted.

Layout Overview

To view or edit the layout for different screen sizes — click the Screen title to reveal the dropdown.

The default view for this template is Desktop. When you change the screen size for one screen in the Builder, it does not change the screen size of the rest of the screens on the canvas.

Hidden Components

In each view, there may be components that do not appear on Desktop, but are visible on Mobile. These are grayed out in the lefthand panel & denoted with an icon.

Another way to view which device components are visible on is the Layout Tab here:

Custom Layout

Some components come with custom layouts based on screen size. To view those settings, check the Layout Tab & scroll to the Custom Layout Settings.

Last updated

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