Admin Transactions Screen

The Admin Transactions Screen of the Browse, Purchase, and Manage Classes Feature Template is a dashboard view of the transactions successfully completed by customers.

The โ€˜Admin Tractionsโ€™ screen is a quick way for administrators to get an overview of the most recent transactions and operates as a dashboard for your business.

Similar to the โ€˜Admin Manage Clinicsโ€™ screen, it comes with a side navigation component set to highlight the โ€œTransactionsโ€ menu item.

New Components

Text Components โ€” Various

These text components display unique and dynamic information from the database. From left to right:

  1. A count of all transactions from the Transactions Collection.

  2. A count of all transactions in the last 30 days. This is because the text uses a custom filter for โ€œCreated Dateโ€ is after โ€œ30 days ago.โ€

  3. A count of the total number of users who have purchased. This uses a custom filter to search for any users that have a transaction count higher than one.

  4. A custom formula to display the percentage of users who have purchased a course out of the total number of Users in the database.

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