Overview — Screens, Database, Layout Settings, Use Cases

Featuring screens to view & complete individual tasks, as well as a screen to view your teams tasks.

The Assign Tasks feature template allows property managers the ability to assign out tasks and track their progress for their rentals. This template comes equipped with several screens to view and manage task distribution, as well as a place to view all task details associated with a particular property.

Screens Overview:

📚 Instructions Screen

Quickly get an overview of the template with quick tips, a help doc, and associated templates that may be of interest. This screen may be deleted at anytime.

User Screens

🏠 Home Screen

A screen to view all tasks assigned to the logged-in user. Additionally, tasks can be marked as completed from this screen.

👫 Team Tasks Screen

View tasks associated with other members of your team and assign out tasks as needed.

Completed Screen

Review all completed tasks by yourself and your team.

🤩 Task Detail Screen

See all associated information for a task including due date, details, unit & unit number, as well as a description.

✏️ Edit Task Screen

A place to add and edit tasks, as well as assign them to the appropriate party.

Database Overview

The Assign Tasks Feature Template comes with a database that contains sample data. Each Adalo database contains Collections and each collection comes with the associated Properties. Any necessary relationship between the collections is set up, as well.

Important Note About the Database:

If you delete a Collection or Property from the Feature Template, this could impact the functionality of your app.

If you add a Collection or Property to your Feature Template, this will not impact the functionality of your app.

Below is an outline of the included Collections and their Properties. The Collection name is bolded and includes a description. The Properties include their name, property type (in brackets), and a description.

Basic Collections & Properties

👥 Users

The Users Collection automatically comes with every Adalo app. This collection will hold all the information related to anyone who uses the app. This information is initially collected from a user when they sign up to use your app.

  • Email [Text] — the user’s email address.

  • Password [Encrypted] — the user’s password to access the app. This is not able to be viewed by administrators.

  • Username [Text] — the user’s username.

  • Full Name [Text] — the first and last name of the user.

  • Tasks [One-to-Many Relationship] — this relational field shows that one user can have many tasks, however, each task can only have one person assigned.

  • Profile Photo [Image] — the user’s profile picture.

✅ Tasks

The Tasks Collection holds all the details regarding a specific tasks that is being assigned.

  • Name [Text] — the task’s name.

  • Description [Text] — a description of the task.

  • Completed [True/False] — this property is marked TRUE if the task has been completed and controls where the task appears in a list.

  • Due Date [Date] — the day a task is to be completed.

  • Assignee [Many-to-One Relationship] — this relational field shows that many tasks can be assigned to one user, and each tasks can only belong to one user.

  • Unit Number [Number] — the property unit number that is associated with the task that needs to be completed.

  • Task Image [Image] — a picture to describe or is associated with the task.

Layout Settings

Each screen in the Assign Tasks Feature Template is created using responsive design. The screens will look good on any device or tablet.

Most screens have been designed with Custom Layouts. If you add a new component to a screen, you might notice that the other screen sizes are impacted.

Layout Overview

To view or edit the layout for different screen sizes — click the Screen title to reveal the dropdown.

The default view for this template is Desktop. When you change the screen size for one screen in the Builder, it does not change the screen size of the rest of the screens on the canvas.

Hidden Components

In each view, there may be components that do not appear on Desktop, but are visible on Mobile. These are grayed out in the lefthand panel & denoted with an icon.

Another way to view which device components are visible on is the Layout Tab here:

Custom Layout

Some components come with custom layouts based on screen size. To view those settings, check the Layout Tab & scroll to the Custom Layout Settings.

Example Use Cases

  • Property Managers can assign out tasks to facility managers and other employees.

  • Managers can review progress for tasks assigned to direct reports.

  • Event planners can complete tasks as needed for each event.

  • and many more!

Last updated

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