What can Adalo do?

Adalo can build marketplaces, display blog posts, creating a booking system and so much more. Read below to see what all Adalo can do.

Can I use Adalo to build an app like Instacart?

Yes! Adalo offers a full range of Ordering & Payment functionality.

Can I build a booking system with Adalo?

Yes! This is one of the most common types of apps built with Adalo.

Can I display WordPress posts in my Adalo app?

Yes! you can use our External Collections feature to display information from your WordPress database in an app you build with Adalo.

Can I build a Dating App with Adalo?

Yes! You can create screens for user profiles and even add chat to your app. We also have a deck swiper in our component marketplace to make the Tinder swiping effect!

Can I allow users to upload photos

Yes! Your users can upload photos from their camera or camera roll to your app.

Can I make a web app with Adalo?

Yes, you can launch your app on the web, and even on your own domain!

In-app payments

We currently integrate with Stripe which you can use to charge your users. For apps published on the Apple App Store or Google Play, Apple and Google restrict this payment to only be used for non-digital goods and services. We also have the option of using our Digital Purchases component for one-time in-app purchases of digital products.

Can I make a subscription app with Adalo?

Yes, we have a Stripe Subscription Component in our Marketplace which you can use to charge your users a recurring fee.

Can I build a Marketplace style app with Adalo?

Yes! You can have an app (or two connected apps!) for buyers and sellers like Ebay or Uber, where sellers or merchants can offer goods or services to consumers. You can even allow merchants to connect their bank accounts so they payouts are handled automatically!

Can I share a database between apps?

Yes! You can connect multiple apps to the same database. Whether you're building a multi-sided marketplace, apps for franchise locations, or an admin app, it can all be done with Adalo. You can even mix and match between web apps and native apps. Here's a quick video of how this works.

Can I add Chat to my app?

Yes, you can build a simple DM system for one on one conversations or you can build a more robust chat system with support for group chats, sharing pictures, and more!

Can I add a dropdown to my form?

Absolutely! Check out our tutorial here.

Can I pull in data from an API?

Yes! You can use our External Collections feature to connect to almost any REST API.

Does Adalo support math formulas?

Yes, you can use custom math formulas to calculate things like tax, tip, and order totals.

Can I build a Coaching app with Adalo?

Yes! We even have a template to get you started. Here's a quick video about setting up the database for the different user types here.

Can I send Push Notifications?

Yes, any native app built with Adalo can receive push notifications triggered by actions in your Adalo app.

Can I customize the design of my app to use my own branding?

Absolutely! You can use your own logo and colors in your app. And, although we offer several pre-built components like lists, buttons, and app bars, you can also build your own to capture your brand's unique aesthetic.

Can I publish my app to the Apple App Stores and Google Play?

Yes! You can publish to both the Apple App Store and Google Play.

Can I publish to my own custom domain?

Yes, you can publish desktop web apps and PWAs to your own domain.

Can I use charts in my app?

Yes, we currently offer both bar chart and line chart components.

Can I require that users login to my app?

Yes, you can require that people create an account and sign in with their email address and a password to access your app. You can also make some screens accessible to people who are not logged in.

Can I have different permissions for different user roles?

Yes you can set up different types of user roles (such as admins) and determine which types of users can access specific screens or features in your app.

Does Adalo integrate with Zapier?

Yes, you can use have new records in Adalo trigger an action in Zapier and you can use Zapier triggers to create or update data in Adalo.

Does Adalo integrate with Mixpanel?

Yes! Adalo can automatically log your apps usage analytics to your Mixpanel account.

Does Adalo integrate with Airtable?

Yes, you can use our external collections feature to integrate with Airtable. Your Airtable data can be displayed in your Adalo app, and users of your app can also edit and create new data in Airtable.

Does Adalo work with any payment gateway other than Stripe?

If you are selling Digital Products or services, you will need to use the In-App Purchase Component.

Does Adalo integrate with Shopify?

Not currently.

Can I use AWS for data storage?

Not currently.

Can my Adalo App connect to WordPress Login?

Not currently.

Do Adalo apps work offline?

Not currently, but this is on our roadmap.

Can I allow users to upload videos?

Yes, but Adalo doesn't currently support playback uploaded videos, however you can play videos that have been uploaded to services like YouTube or Vimeo. We have a specific YouTube Component that can be found in the Component Marketplace.

Can I play audio in my Adalo App?

Yes, we have an Audio Player Component available in the Component Marketplace or you can play audio that has been uploaded to services like Soundcloud.

Can I use Adalo to build a meditation app?

Yes, you can!

Can I restrict hours things can be booked?

Yes, you can create different time slots for people to book which can be disabled once they have been taken.

Not currently.

Does Adalo support geolocation? Can I filter or sort a list by what's closest?

Yes! You can learn how to set this up in our Location 101: Building A Gig Economy Delivery App (Think Uber, But Also AirBnB)!

Can I display driving directions on a map in Adalo?

Not currently, but you can have a button with will open the Google Maps app with the directions pre-populated.

Can I Calculate the Distance between things?

Yes! You can definitely do this. We've created a Help Doc that explains how to do this.

Does Adalo support Login with Phone Number?

Not Currently.

Does Adalo support Email Verification?

Yes, we have a component in the marketplace that achieves this! This can also be achieved through our Zapier integration.

Can I Export editable code?

Not currently.

Can I show a Calendar in my Adalo app?

Yes! We have a Calendar Component available in the Component Marketplace!

Can I display local weather in my app?

Yes! Utilizing custom actions you can do this! Watch the tutorial here: https://youtu.be/CBBCnUCvO1s

Does Adalo integrate with Admob?

Yes! There is an AdMob component in the Component Marketplace!

Does Adalo work with in-app payments for digital goods and services?

Yes, you can do this with our Digital Purchases for In-App Purchases component!

Can I set up data validation rules for specific properties in my database?

Not currently, but this is on our roadmap.

Can I make required fields from individual inputs?

Currently, you can only make fields required that are part of a form.

Does Adalo support plugins / components?

Yes! The Component Marketplace has been launched and you are able to develop components or use any in the Marketplace at this time.

Does Adalo support multiple languages?

Not currently.

Can I add a timer to my app?

Yes, we have a 3rd Party Developer component that can be found in the Marketplace.

Does Adalo have a Google Calendar integration?

Not currently.

Does Adalo allow users of my app to invite other users / access phone’s contacts?

Not currently, but this is on our roadmap.

Can I build video chat into my Adalo app?

Yes! You can do this with the No-Code Video Calling component on the Marketplace.

Can people view documents like .pdfs or word docs in my Adalo App?

Not currently.

Can I send scheduled push notifications?

Yes, you can do this! Here's a video that explains you how to do it.

Can I build a 2-factor authentication system with Adalo?

Not currently.

Can I use Bluetooth with my Adalo App?

Not currently.

Can I build a marketplace subscription app like Patreon with Adalo?

You can build a Marketplace app with our Stripe Connect Marketplace component.

Can I use an external authentication system from my own API or Google, Facebook, etc?

Not currently, but this is on our roadmap.

Is there a way for an Adalo app to verify a user's phone number?

Yes! You can do this by following these steps.

Last updated

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