Stripe Connect
Configure Stripe Connect Component to allow Merchants to Connect to your Stripe Account.
Before You Begin
Ensure you have created a Stripe account, set it up for Stripe Connect, and completed any required verification.
Users must be Logged in for the Component to work correctly.
Add the Stripe Connect Component to your App
1) Click the "+" button to open the Add Panel
2) Scroll down to Installed
3) Drag the Stripe Connect component onto your desired screen. Ideally, on the screen where merchants can edit their profile.
Stripe Connect Component must be set up in apps using the Marketplace Payment Component even if a separate Merchant App is used to collect Merchant Data.
Configure your Connect Component
Click the Connect with Stripe button to connect your Stripe account
Copy URI from Component:
Copy the Live mode client ID (Note these are different for both Live and Test Mode)
Paste Client ID in Connect Component under Stripe Client ID
Add Secret and Publishable Keys from Stripe Dashboard | API Keys
Test Mode API Keys will only work with the Test Mode Client ID.
Under Stripe Account ID:
Select where in the Database to save the Merchant's Stripe Account ID so you can access it later using MagicText.
Test Mode
Open Stripe Dashboard | Connect Settings
Copy the Test mode client ID and paste into the Stripe Client ID section of the Connect component.
Enter your Stripe Test Secret Key and Test Publishable Key into Connect component.
Stripe | API Keys Documentation can walk you through setting this up in your Stripe Account
Open Previewer and complete Stripe Connect flow.
Testing Successful
When you have finished testing your Connect component and want to go live you will have to make sure you change the Secret Key, Publishable Key, and Client ID back to Live Mode credentials.
If you need additional help with this article, you can always ask in our community forum! Be sure to paste the link to this article in your post as well!
Last updated